Joint meeting between CEITEC and Sara Macias
A joint group meeting was held between the two groups that share a common research theme which is the investigation of the role of RNA in innate immunity. Five members of the Macias group flew to Brno for this joint meeting that was held on the17th and 18th of October. All members of both groups participated and present their research at this two-day meeting. As both groups share a common research theme, this meeting was lively with many questions and suggestions for future experiments. These two groups are collaborating on a project that was initially funded by the TWINNING SEED initiative and are continuing this research. Future plans for the project were also discussed.
On the whole this meeting was very successful; it gave both groups an opportunity to present their work to an expert audience. But it also gave the individual group members an opportunity to see their research in the context of the research goals of the whole group, to see the big picture. This also was an opportunity to raise the scientific profile of CEITEC as members of the Macias group were impressed with the facilities available to researchers at CEITEC.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 952541. Disclaimer: This website and included materials reflect only the author’s view and the Research Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains. |