PhD and Postdoc Retreat 2023
In 2023 CEITEC PhD students have joined forces with their more senior colleagues from the Postdoc community for a massive intellectual exchange and collaborative synergy. The Retreat was held on October 26th and 27th 2023 at the OREA Resort Devět Skal in Milovy. Almost a hundred scientists spent two days together in the heart of Vysočina mountains. They enjoyed an intense programme with invited lectures held by the foremost scientists in life and material science.
At the core of this conference were the distinguished contributions delivered by scientists and experts from both the Czech Republic and abroad. Those included scientific presentations, TechTransfer talks and workshops and were followed by lively discussions which showcased the breadth and depth of scientific inquiry pursued by the young generations of researchers. The speakers were chosen to present their most interesting projects and inspire younger colleagues in their own work.
As many as 96 people joined the retreat, most from CEITEC but also from Czech universities and scientific institutions as well as foreign places, most notably the University of Edinburgh within the Twinning Project. The diverse programme covered topics from AI to technology transfer and transgressing the confines of individual scientific disciplines. Scholars from diverse backgrounds thus found common ground, engaging in debates, and making useful new connections.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 952541. Disclaimer: This website and included materials reflect only the author’s view and the Research Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains. |