Project Activites
List of desirable skills based on self-reflection within postdoc peer groups
List of desirable skills based on self-reflection within ESR peer groups
Didactical concept for the topics relevant for research management and administration
Assessment report on CEITEC MU scientific excellence and INTEG-RNA impact
The INTEG-RNA project was focused on small colaborative projects:
In the begining of the project a call for small grants was published to cover the costs of 6-18 small collaborative projects. During the Kick-off, the PIs worked in small groups and brainstorm the topics for the small collaborative projects. These ideas were presented to the MC and SC, who selected the most suitable ideas to go forward with writing 1-2 pages for the internal Seed Funding.
The INTEG-RNA project was focused on networking and training activities, including:
- CEITEC MU developed a mentoring programme
- PhD students had an opportunity to participate on internship at partners´ institutions labs
- Researchers from the consortium members will had an opportunity to participate in Transferable Skills Academy at IMB;
- Also experts from partner institutions were invited to give lectures at CEITEC MU and share experiences and techniques with CEITEC MU researchers.
- Researchers from CEITEC MU had the opportunity to participate in secondments at partners´ institutions
- Research management and administration staff could leave for secondments and training to partners´ institution, participate in webinars or international conferences (EARMA)
The main events in the INTEG-RNA project:
- RNA Summer School (2021, 2022, 2023)
- Scientific lectures
- Transferable Skills Academy at IMB
- Career Café Live
- PhD and postdocs retreat
- Research management/admin retreat
- Student conference
- Campus Open Day
- Researcher´s Night
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 952541. |